Quels pots choisir ?
Lorsque vous choisissez un pot, pour le rempotage, n’oubliez pas qu’il n’y a pas que le diamètre, mais aussi le volume de rétention d’eau, qui compte.
Il n’y a pas que le volume de compost utilisé qui importe, mais aussi le volume d’eau que la plante va pouvoir absorber après l’arrosage.
Un pot de 14 cm de diamètre va retenir plus d’eau en terme de durée, mais aussi en terme de quantité qu’un pot de 8,5 cm de diamètre, même si le compost est différent.
Le risque que vous faites prendre à votre orchidée est le sur-arrosage entrainant maladies, parasites, et pourriture pour finalement arriver à la mort de l’orchidée.
Voici quelques exemples :
- Un pot de 12 cm de diamètre à un volume moyen de 0,75L
- Un pot de 13 cm de diamètre ou de 15 cm à un volume moyen de 1,2 L ou 1, 5L
- Un pot de 17 cm de diamètre à un volume moyen de 2L
Comme vous pouvez le constater : une petite différence de diamètre provoque une variation considérable de volume.
Pots plastique ou pot en terre ?
On privilégie de manière générale les pots en plastiques de préférence transparents, surtout pour les plantes épiphytes.
Les pots en terre cuite sont désormais peu utilisés pour la culture des orchidées.
Cela provoquait une destruction d’une partie du système racinaire, qui restait collé sur les parois du pot, malgré toutes les précautions prises lors du rempotage.
Avantage des pots plastique transparents
Ils sont intéressants pour plusieurs raisons.
- On peut surveiller facilement, si la plante a besoin d’eau ou pas.
- Si les racines sont bien vertes et foncées : pas besoin d’arroser.
- On peut également surveiller l’état des racines et du compost.
Pourquoi le rempotage est-il nécessaire ?
Le rempotage est une opération obligatoire, sauf pour les orchidées cultivées sur plaque ou sur bûche.
Le vieillissement du substrat (compost) ne peut lui permet plus de jouer son rôle.
L’orchidée sympodiale déborde de son pot, alors que pour la monopodiale, c’est son système racinaire qui l’étouffe : cela empêche une bonne croissance.
The Cultural Impact of Captain Cooks Casino on Canadian Gaming
When it comes to the world of online gaming, Captain Cooks Casino holds a special place in Canadian gambling history. Established in 1999, this renowned online casino has not only provided thrilling entertainment to millions of players, but it has also made a significant cultural impact on the Canadian gaming scene. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Captain Cooks Casino and explore its influence on Canadian gaming, from its innovative features to its role in shaping the industry’s landscape.
As we unravel the story of Captain Cooks Casino, we will explore the main arguments and points that highlight its cultural impact. We will discuss how this online casino has transformed the way Canadians engage with gambling, examining its unique game offerings, user-friendly interface, and enticing bonus features. Furthermore, we will delve into the social and economic implications of Captain Cooks Casino, exploring its role in promoting responsible gaming practices and contributing to the Canadian economy. So, fasten your seatbelts and embark on a thrilling journey through the cultural impact of Captain Cooks Casino on Canadian gaming!
The Emergence of Captain Cooks Casino: A Game-Changer in Canadian Gaming
The emergence of Captain Cooks Casino has had a significant cultural impact on the Canadian gaming scene. With its enticing Captain Cooks sign up offer, the online casino has attracted a diverse range of players from all corners of the country. This influx of players has not only brought about a transformation in the way Canadians approach gambling, but it has also contributed to the overall growth and popularity of online gaming in the nation.
One of the key cultural changes brought about by Captain Cooks Casino is the accessibility and convenience it offers to Canadian players. The ability to sign up and play from the comfort of their own homes has revolutionized the gaming experience, making it more accessible to a wider audience. This has resulted in a shift away from traditional brick-and-mortar casinos, as players now have the option to enjoy their favorite games at any time and from anywhere. The rise of Captain Cooks Casino has also introduced Canadians to a broader range of gaming options, including a wide variety of slot games, table games, and live dealer games, further enriching the gaming culture in the country.
Exploring the Influence of Captain Cooks Casino on Canadian Gambling Culture
Captain Cooks Casino has had a significant cultural impact on Canadian gaming since its inception. As one of the oldest and most reputable online casinos in the country, it has played a pivotal role in shaping the way Canadians engage with casino games. The casino’s diverse range of games, including popular options like blackjack, roulette, and slots, has introduced many Canadians to the thrill of online gambling.
Furthermore, Captain Cooks Casino has embraced the Canadian culture by incorporating themes and graphics that resonate with the local population. For instance, the casino offers games inspired by Canadian landmarks, such as Niagara Falls and the Rocky Mountains. This attention to detail creates a sense of familiarity and pride among Canadian players, enhancing their overall gaming experience.
In addition to its gaming offerings, Captain Cooks Casino has also contributed to the growth of the Canadian gaming industry by providing employment opportunities. The casino employs a diverse team of professionals, including game developers, customer service representatives, and marketing specialists. This has not only boosted the local economy but also fostered a sense of community within the gaming industry.
The Evolution of Canadian Gaming: How Captain Cooks Casino has Shaped the Industry
Captain Cooks Casino has had a significant cultural impact on Canadian gaming since its establishment. The online casino has provided Canadians with a unique and immersive gaming experience, allowing them to explore a wide range of games from the comfort of their own homes. This accessibility has revolutionized the way Canadians approach gambling, making it more convenient and accessible than ever before.
Furthermore, Captain Cooks Casino has played a role in promoting Canadian culture through its themed games. Many of the casino’s games are inspired by Canadian history, landmarks, and symbols, allowing players to engage with their national identity while enjoying their favorite casino games. This cultural representation has not only attracted Canadian players but has also sparked interest from international players who are eager to learn more about Canada’s rich heritage.
In addition to promoting Canadian culture, Captain Cooks Casino has also contributed to the growth of the Canadian gaming industry. The success of the online casino has paved the way for other Canadian-based online casinos, encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation within the industry. This has created job opportunities and economic growth, further solidifying the casino’s cultural impact on the country.
Lastly, Captain Cooks Casino has fostered a sense of community among Canadian players. The online platform allows players to connect and interact with fellow gamers through chat features and multiplayer games. This sense of camaraderie has transcended virtual boundaries, creating a cultural bond among players who share a passion for online gambling. The casino’s community-building efforts have not only enhanced the gaming experience but have also strengthened social connections, making it a truly impactful force in Canadian gaming culture.
Societal Implications: Captain Cooks Casino and its Impact on Canadian Gambling Behavior
Captain Cooks Casino has had a significant cultural impact on the Canadian gaming scene. As one of the leading online casinos in Canada, it has not only provided entertainment and opportunities for players, but it has also contributed to the growth and popularity of online gambling in the country. The casino’s wide range of games, attractive bonuses, and user-friendly interface have made it a favorite among Canadian players.
One of the cultural impacts of Captain Cooks Casino is the increased accessibility of gaming for Canadians. By offering an online platform, the casino has allowed players from all corners of the country to enjoy their favorite casino games without the need to travel to a physical casino. This has not only saved time and money for players but has also opened up opportunities for individuals who may not have had access to traditional brick-and-mortar casinos.
In addition to accessibility, Captain Cooks Casino has also influenced Canadian gaming culture through its promotion of responsible gambling. The casino has implemented various measures to ensure the well-being of its players, such as setting deposit limits, providing self-exclusion options, and offering resources for those seeking help with gambling addiction. By prioritizing responsible gambling, Captain Cooks Casino has set a positive example for other online casinos and has helped shape a culture of responsible gaming among Canadian players.
Furthermore, Captain Cooks Casino has contributed to the cultural diversity of Canadian gaming by offering a wide range of games from different cultures and themes. Players can choose from a variety of popular games such as blackjack, roulette, and slots, as well as explore unique games inspired by various cultures around the world. This diversity not only adds to the overall gaming experience but also promotes cultural appreciation and understanding among Canadian players.
The Cultural Significance of Captain Cooks Casino: A Reflection of Canadian Identity in the Gaming World
Captain Cooks Casino has had a significant cultural impact on Canadian gaming since its establishment. The online casino has provided Canadians with a unique and immersive gaming experience that blends entertainment and historical exploration. With a theme inspired by the renowned British explorer Captain James Cook, the casino not only offers a wide range of exciting games but also educates players about the rich history of exploration and discovery.
Through its themed games and visually appealing interface, Captain Cooks Casino has become a platform that not only entertains but also fosters a sense of national pride. By incorporating Canadian elements into its design, such as the iconic maple leaf and symbols of indigenous culture, the casino celebrates the country’s heritage and creates a sense of belonging for Canadian players. Additionally, the casino’s commitment to responsible gaming has helped shape the culture of online gambling in Canada, promoting a safe and secure environment for players to enjoy their favorite casino games.
In conclusion, Captain Cooks Casino has made a significant cultural impact on the Canadian gaming scene. Through its immersive online gaming platform, the casino has not only provided a thrilling entertainment experience but has also played a role in promoting a sense of community among Canadian gamers. The casino’s wide range of games, secure payment options, and generous bonuses have attracted a diverse audience, fostering a multicultural gaming environment. Additionally, Captain Cooks Casino’s commitment to responsible gambling practices has helped raise awareness and promote responsible gaming habits among its players. With its innovative approach and dedication to player satisfaction, Captain Cooks Casino continues to shape the cultural landscape of Canadian gaming, serving as a benchmark for excellence in the industry.
Le rempotage est donc indispensable, pour que la plante puisse grandir dans les meilleures conditions possibles.
Période de rempotage
Pour des orchidées monopodiales
Le rempotage peut se faire quasiment toute l’année en évitant la période hivernale, car la reprise sera plus difficile, la croissance étant ralentie par le manque de lumière.
Pour des orchidées sympodiales
Le rempotage devra se faire lorsque la végétation aura recommencée (nouvelles racines, nouvelles feuilles).
Si les nouvelles racines sont plus longues, vous risquez de les casser lors du rempotage.
On peut également surveiller l’état des racines et du compost.
Les racines cherchent moins à sortir du pot, car la luminosité est suffisante.
Comment rempoter ?
Dans un premier temps, il faut arroser la plante la veille, pour que les racines soit moins cassantes.
Puis, dépotez la plante en faisant attention de ne pas abîmer les racines.
Si la plante est dans un pot en terre, casser celui-ci lorsque les racines adhèrent aux parois.
Dans un second temps, enlever la totalité du substrat et nettoyer les racines, c’est-à-dire, couper à l’aide d’un sécateur stérilisé les racines sèches, pourries, ou en mauvais état.
Coupez la hampe florale desséchée
Sur un Phaelaenopsis (Doritis, Doritaenopsis,…), on peut couper la hampe au deuxième ou troisième œil en partant des feuilles, sauf pour les Phalaenosis botaniques !
Tout dépend de l’état des racines, si elles ne sont pas très belles, couper la hampe à ras, cela évitera de fatiguer la plante.
Si vous avez plusieurs plantes à rempoter, il faut désinfecter le sécateur entre chaque orchidée avec une flamme.
Ensuite, prendre un pot plastique transparent de préférence, qui fasse 2cm de diamètre de plus que le précédent (si votre pot faisait 12 cm de diamètre, il faudra prendre un pot qui fasse 14 cm de diamètre).
Avant de mettre le compost dans le pot, il faut l’humidifier un peu.
Pour les monopodiales, positionner la plante en son centre, en tuteurant au besoin, pour la stabiliser.
Pour les sympodiales, mettre les anciens pseudo-bulbes contre la paroi du pot, sauf s’il y a un nouveau départ végétatif, pour que les nouveaux puissent croître au milieu de celui-ci.
C’est souvent l’occasion de séparer la motte, lorsque celle-ci est imposante (si il y a coupure, il faudra laisser complètement cicatriser les plaies avant la mise en pot).
Remplir partiellement le pot de substrat afin que le collet de plante arrive au niveau du pot.
Remplir le pot de substrat en tapotant légèrement pour le faire descendre autour et entre les racines.
Appuyez sur le compost pour qu’il maintienne bien la plante et tuteurez-la si nécessaire (comme par exemple les Cattleya).
Les racines blessées ou coupées peuvent être désinfectées avec du charbon de bois, non traité (pas celui pour les barbecues).
Pour certaines orchidées, comme les Paphiopedilum, il faut y ajouter de la dolomie (calcaire).
Si, lors de cette opération, vous vous trouvez en présence de pourriture sur les racines ou de cochenilles, voici des solutions simples :
Cas de moisissure des racines
Traitement avec un fongicide (pulvérisation, trempage).
Attention à ne pas pulvériser sur les fleurs, si des cochenilles s’y trouvent, retirez-les à l’aide du coton-tige.
Ce traitement se déroule sur un mois, à raison d’une fois par semaine, il peut également être utilisé en prévention.
Ceci n’est en aucun cas nocif pour la plante, c’est une méthode tout à fait naturelle.
Si malgré tout, si cela persiste, il faudra utiliser un moyen moins naturel.
Soins après rempotage
Lorsque vous avez rempoté, vous avez coupé ou peut-être blessé les racines de votre orchidée, il est important de ne pas arroser durant 2 à 3 semaines environs, pour la cicatrisation des plaies, idem pour l’engrais, cela pour éviter tout risque de pourriture.
Pour pallier au manque d’arrosage, vous devrez pulvériser la surface du substrat, ainsi que le dessous des feuilles tous les jours, le matin de préférence, pour maintenir l’humidité, cela favorisera la croissance de la plante.